24 Hour Ticket Power Continues to Lead the Way in Automated Traffic Ticket Adjudication

Las Vegas, NV – August 10, 2010 – 24 Hour Ticket Power continues to reign supreme in the State of Nevada when it comes to handling traffic tickets online. The company operates a website, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week dedicated to helping Las Vegas residents as well as out of state guests that befall the eye of the law.

The site adjudicates almost every ticket issued in the Southern Nevada area with an online system that records the violation and other salient information including the citation number, court, appearance date as well as the basic tenants of the violation. The attorneys review the violation, as well as driver’s license and other important fact, contacts the driver to discuss the case and then handles the ticket with the various courts in Southern Nevada.

The result? Typically the firm arranges the best possible outcome for the driver, often with no points, no insurance increase, and for a lower fee then if they’d address the violation in person. All without the driver having to leave his or her domicile.

If you or someone you know has been cited for a traffic ticket violation in Clark County, Henderson or North Las Vegas, turn to the traffic ticket attorneys that understand how to litigate these tickets, turn the attorneys at 24 Hour Ticket Power.

The attorneys at 24 hour ticket power offer a one stop place to handle your traffic ticket violations in Clark County and Southern Nevada. The ticket lawyers handle every traffic violation from red light and speeding tickets to DUI’s, reckless driving and arrest warrants. The site handles the whole ticket fighting process through their website, www.24hourticketpower.com

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