Assembly Bill Would Lower Motorcycle Accidents in Northern Nevada, Proponents Say

A bill pending before the Nevada State Legislature could cut down on motorcycle accidents in Reno, according to the bill’s sponsor and other proponents of the measure. The bill in question is Assembly Bill 236, which would allow lane splitting for motorcycles in Nevada, as is already legal in other states, like California. The main safety reason behind the bill is that a rear-end collision on a motorcycle in Washoe County can cause serious injury to the motorcycle rider even if the vehicle causing the accident is only going 5 or 10 miles per hour. If the motorcycle does not have to sit in traffic, and can instead split the lane with vehicles and ride past them, then there is virtually no chance that the motorcycle can be hit from behind and the rider injured in this way. Benson & Bingham Attorneys at Law have been helping people injured in motorcycle accidents in Northern Nevada for the last 30 years. If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident in Nevada, call Benson & Bingham today.

The bill, Assembly Bill 236, has passed out the Assembly. It now moves on to the State Senate where the chairman of that house’s committee on transportation has vowed that it would be voted on prior to the next deadline for legislation. In hearings in the Assembly, it was pointed out that getting rear-ended accounts for about 20 percent of the motorcycle accidents in Nevada, including Northern Nevada. A Reno resident who has been riding bikes for over 40 years also testified in support of the bill, saying it will lower injury accidents in Reno and Sparks. Though the bill did not pass out of the Assembly unanimously, there was strong support for it. Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs had their lobbyist testify in support, as did the previously mentioned motorcyclist from Northern Nevada. A member of the Nevada Department of Public Safety testified on the bill as well. The bill passed out of the Assembly with 35 yea votes to only 4 nays, a massive bipartisan majority supporting this measure to lower motorcycle injury accidents in Northern Nevada.

Benson & Bingham Attorneys at Law have been helping motorcyclists who are injured in vehicle accidents in Northern Nevada get the compensation and coverage they deserve for 30 years. Our lawyers know motorcycle law, know traffic law, and know how the system works and how to get you the medical treatment and compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one is hurt in a motorcycle accident in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, or anywhere else in Northern Nevada, call our experienced team today.

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